Kuroko No Basuke is a Japanese manga and anime about basketball game created by Tadatoshi Fujimaki. This manga started in release in Desemver 2008 and tells of a school that has a Generation of Miracle players and they have a dream to play at the National level. Manga Kuroko No Basuke is then adapted into anime series by Production I.G in April 2012 Silam.
Teiko Junior has a basketball club that contains great and talented players who have beaten many schools in Japan and won many matches. The Teiko junior core player is dubbed the "Generation of Miracles" or in Japanese Kiseki No Sedai. But from the player Kiseki No Sedai there is one player who played with them, he was nicknamed the Sixth Shadow or The Phantom Sixth Player. After their Teiko players graduated from school, each player went to a different high school with each other. Kuroko Tetsuya who is a shadow player of the Generation of Miracles and Kagami Taiga who is a gifted player from junior high school is at a school that is certainly also a team in high school Seirin. They want to bring Seirin into the best in Japan and defeat the Generation of Miracles one by one.
Kuroko Tetsuya
Kuroko is a youth as well as a light blue-haired player with pale white skin and a flat face. He is the sixth member of Kiseki No Sedai or Generation of Miracles. Currently Kuroko is in Seirin High School Basketball Club wearing the number 11 and is a partner of Kagami Taiga who are still in the 10th grade. Kuroko's position at Seirin High School basketball club, Small Forward (SF)
Kagami Taiga
Kagami Taiga is currently a member of Seirin high school basketball club that comes from America. Kagami Taiga has dark red hair, high, big, strong and has a passionate emotion. Expertise from Kagami Taiga is a very high jump and continues to rise high and is also a light for kuroko who is a shadow player. Kagami Taiga wears the number 10 and plays as Power Forward (PF)
Kise Ryota
Kise Ryota is currently a member of the Kaijo high school basketball club with the back number 7. Kise is a member of the Generation of Miracles or Kiseki No Sedai. Kise has the ability to imitate the techniques of opposing players and friends. Kise has yellow hair, yellow eyes, and whites. Have a habit of calling someone whom he is brave with extra "cchi" like kurokocchi.
Midorima Shintaro
Midorima Shintaro is currently a member of the Shutoku High School basketball club with a 6 back number. Tall, with green hair and eyes and glasses. He is also one of the players of Kiseki no Sedai who has the ability to shoot the ball is very accurate. His fingers are always bandaged with bandages and he always keeps his nails. Strongly believes in predictions and has a very high level of confidence.
Aomine Daiki
Aomine Daiki used to be a kuroko partner who also belonged to Kiseki No Sedai. Aomine is a US high school basketball club Touo. Has dark blue hair, his body is big and tanned. Numbered Wait 5. Aomine's ability to have speed and skill like streetball. He can insert the ball into the basket with many styles. The words he often uses against enemies are "Who can defeat me is myself"
Murasakibara Atsushi
Murasakibara is a member of Kiseki No Sedai. He has a height of about 2 meters more, hairy and eyed. He is a very strong center, now he plays in Yosen High School. He is stupid enough and lazy on other things and his favorite is to eat. but he is very genius in playing basketball.
Akashi Seijuro
Akashi Seijuro is the captain of Kiseki No Sedai Teiko Junior High and is now joining the Rakuzan high school basketball team. She has red hair and golden yellow red eyes. For the size of a high school baske player, he has a fairly short height. Its special ability is the Emperor eye which can see the future. He has multiple personalities.
kuroko no basuke,
Last Game,
rating 8,